Monday, December 17, 2007

iPhone Interface for Picasa Photo Service, developed by Google

Google has unveiled a new support for Picasa photo service. For the online photo gallery service, Google has developed an iPhone interface that offers the iPhone and iPod touch users to visit the Picasa website through Apple gadgets’ Safari Web browser. They are then automatically switched to the new interface.

To make it compatible with the iPhone, the company has revamped and optimized its Picasa mobile interface. Therefore, this enables the user to see their photo albums and get a full view of the image.

Alongwith the Picasa slideshow feature, it also offers the ability to search photos in albums or through community photos. You also get a chance to view your friends’ images through Google.

Compatible only with English, owners of the iPhone can navigate in English or else need to change their language preference.

HTC Shift Vista UMPC to Roll Out Next Year?

Some six months ago, HTC announced HTC Shift with HTC Advantage. Now, there is news that the HTC Shift will release soon in the market. This mobile device carries a full version of Windows Vista Business, doing away with the Windows Mobile. The long awaited gadget is still in the ‘coming soon’ category. There were gossips that it would launch in November.

However, according to reports, the company is keenly anticipating the HTC Shift Ultra-mobile computer by early next year at the Consumer Electronics Show

iPhone Users Can Now Customize Ringtones for Free via GarageBand

Apple has officially announced that iPhone users can now customize ringtones for their devices. The company allows consumers to create their own ringtones in GarageBand and then export it to their handsets, provided that the iPhone is running the latest 4.1.1 version of GarageBand 8, iTunes 7.5 or later and software version 1.1.2 or later.

Within a time frame of practically 5 minutess, you can create your own tunes and then transport them into your handset. Additionally, it also allows you to use songs from the iTunes library.

So how exactly can you customize the ringtone? Sync your iPhone with GarageBand 4.1.1, choose Create New Music Project, set up a 40 seconds or less track, make a ringtone as you want, Go to Share menu and select ‘Send Ringtone to iTunes’

Nokia Coming Up with an Innovative Traveler-Friendly Mobile Phone

Nokia’s Research Centre has reportedly developed a traveler’s friendly phone with camera.

The upcoming phone from Nokia will be equipped with a software that will help users to select foreign dishes while on the trip and will even help users while shopping.

Users will just have to take a photograph of the menu and within few seconds the phone will identify the characters and translate the words into English.

Also Nokia will make the phone equipped with a feature called Point and Find, which will allows users to shop without having to visit the store.

Users will just have to snap a picture of the object he/she wants to buy. The recognition software will lead the phone’s web browser to the online store.

The phone is expected to launch by next year.