Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Top 5 unusual gadgets.

Here it is the Top 5 unusual gadgets.

1. Flying Alarm Clock


This gadget seems very funny and it is if don’t use it to woke up in the morning. The flying alarm clock will certainly wake you up in the morning: when the alarm goes on, the plastic propeller starts to fly and you will have to wake up catch it and return it to the clock base.

The price for this unusual clock is $24.95.

2. Levitating Globe


The levitating globe will improve the aspect of any home or office. The globe is realty a hi tech device. It uses a magnetic field sensor to measure and adjust the distances between it’s elements. You can buy it online for $99.95.

3. Carnivorous Creations


If your dreams was to grow meat eating plants you can achieve it. Carnivorous Creations contains seeds of 10 varieties of carnivorous plants. The kit include Cobra Plant, Venus Fly Trap, Pitcher Plant, Trumpet Plant and more. This carnivore plant collection can be yours for $24.95.

4. Nebula Plasma Ball


Nebula Plasma belt uses both science and art to create hard to forget light shows. You can just admire the light show,but if you want something extra you can place your fingers above the ball and the colored bolts of glowing light will follow your moves. This gadget price $39.95.

5. Spy Watch XP-6


With this gadgets everyone can become a spy. The XP-6 loks lke a regular watch but has secret functions:

  • World time and stopwatch capabilities will help you coordinate with a partner
  • Motion alarm with time stamp to track any intruder
  • 2 secret capsules for transferring messages
  • Pop-up night scope with built in magnifying lens for night vision
  • Focused LED beam to distract your opponents

The price for the Spy Watch XP-6 is $14.95.

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